Vice Hollywood, Science Fiction Fantasy, Action & Adventure

 Vice Hollywood, Science Fiction Fantasy, Action & Adventure


Rating: My rating is 10-7.5

Genre: Action and Adventure, Science Fiction and Fantasy

Directed by: Brian A. Miller

Written by: Jeremy Passmore, Fabrizio D'Andre

In theaters: A 16, 2015 limited

On Disc / Streaming: March 17, 2015

Runtime: 96 minutes

Studio: Film Arcade

Julian Michaels designed the final resort: VICE, where something goes and customers can play wild fantasies with artificial residents who look, feel and feel like humans. When someone becomes artificially self-conscious and escapes, he finds himself in the crossfire between Julian's tenant and a cop, who refuses to turn down the vice, and stops the violence at once.

Even if it doesn't work as art or escapism, "vice" wastes an opportunity for social commentary. Roy is a characterless, almost so obnoxious to the story that poor Jane doesn't look like she was instructed to do anything in the climactic scene. Even the director realized that they didn't need him. Worst of all, "Vice" is about giving personality and life to an Android woman, which has been created as a game for men to indulge in torture and behavior. And yet making Kelly self-aware does not make him confident and driven.

It sends him back to his male creator, turning him into a fraud-averse incarnation that only a man can save. It's a bad B-movie idea of   identity. And during that time, director Brian A. Miller finally gave Kelly something to do, in the most generic "strong action movie raid" possible. Talented children are much better. Heck, so does Thomas Jane.

The story takes place in and around an entertainment complex called Vice, where people can meet their most frustratingly violent and / or sexual harassment through robots made up of almost invisible biological tissues. During the exposure sequence it was so obsessed that Fabrizio and Pasmore should have entered the scene and apologized to the viewer for not coming up with a better way to relay this information (in a scenario where a technician strangely explains to another technician) all. Tech mambo-jumbo both should already know), we know That the copy of this, will forgive me, robots are stuffed imaplante memory, which is erased and reset at the end of the day.

Something similar happened with Kelly, whose erased memories suddenly returned to him (in a suspiciously "Dark City" fashion), with Vice's evil owner Julian (Bruce Willis of suicidal sadness) pushing once to erase his memory and everyone. For. However, during one of the scenes, a shot-by-shot remake of the exact same sequence from "Total Recall" that I was about to slap on the throat of a scientist and say "My name is not Quaid !!" Hoping to shout, Kelly escapes from the grip of vice-engineers and discovers the truth behind his identity. All of these plot points could have been revealed in a smart and mysterious way, these revelations took place from Kelly's point of view showing, unfortunately, since we are fully aware of one of Vice's true raison d'ডিtre scenes, all possible secrets are out of the story. And what we're left with is an unnecessary low budget action flick.

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