Animation Fantasy/Horror Movie The Addams Family (kabira2z Movie)
Animation Fantasy/Horror Movie The Addams Family (kabira2z Movie) The Adams family was created by Charles 'Chas' Adams, a freelance cartoonish born in 1912 by piano executive Charles Hugh Adams and his wife, Grace M. Spear Adams. It is alleged that he adopted the appetite of Morticia Adams on his first wife, Barbara Jean Day, whom he married at the time of his divorce at age 8. Chase's second wife, Estelle Barb (who was also named Morticia Clonati), was a practicing lawyer and notoriously removed her famous husband from the rights to TV and film for her Adams family characters. They divorced sharply in ।6. He later married Marilyn Mathews Miller (known as "T") in a drunken pet cemetery, before moving to an estate called 'The Swamp' in Sagapona, New York, in the 5th. (kabira2z movie) Gomez Adams brought a passion and charismatic swagger to Puerto Rican actor Raul Julie, adding his own personal touch to the ancestors of the dark. While filming two Adams Fam...